How can you transport your freediving gear on a motorcycle or scooter?
Indoor pool training on Friday 15 December 2023
Indoor pool training today at the Aquarina indoor pool in Rheinau. I could already tell on the journey there that today was going to go well. I didn't eat much for lunch and was prepared to give my all in training today.
First we trained O2 table in the diving pool. Using my FD Static Trainer iPhone app (free in the Apple App Store) I set the following parameters:
- Preparation 2 minutes
- Breathhold 1 minute (plus 10 seconds per lap)
- Pause 2 minutes constant
- 14 laps
Silvan and I completed the exercise highly focussed, without speaking and mostly with our eyes closed. Silvan set a new personal best of 2:35 with strong contractions. At the end, I did a fairly relaxed 3 minutes of static at the bottom of the pool!
Then DYN-STA-DYN on the 25m lane, which is reserved for us. My dive computer is attached to a lobster weight segment in the centre of the pool. We dive very slowly the 12.5 metres to the middle of the pool, then pause for 10 seconds and then the remaining 12.5 metres to the other end of the pool. We increase the STA time by 10 seconds each time until we reach 1:20. Total dive time 2 minutes.
Video of DYN-STA-DYN on YouTube
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Frage zu FD Static Trainer iPhone App und deren Gebrauch
By: Roli On 22-12-2023Schöner Bericht!
Frage, nimmst du dein iPhone mit der App mit auf den Beckengrund? Oder, wie erfährtst du, bei ansteigender STA-Zeit, und geschlossenen Augen, dass die Zeit um ist?
Könnte man das iPhone in wasserdichte Hülle packen und mit ebensolchen Lautsprechern (UW-tauglichen Boxen) eine akustische Anweisung unter Wasser erhalten?
Klar, da ist das Problem mit der Weitergabe von Schallwellen zwischen den Medien Luft/Wasser. Aber, es gibt ja UW-Lautsprecher. Und Geräusche, Knöchelknacken und dergleichen hören wir UW ja auch.
Wäre doch etwas für den Tüftler Andi Horvath.
LG, Roli
Replied by: Administrator Administrator On 22-12-2023