Can everyone learn to freedive?

If you are over 12 years old, healthy and athletic, you can be a free diver.

How fast can you learn to be a freediver?

Learn the theory in the comfort of your home using your computer, smartphone or tablet. The PADI Basic Freediver Course and the SSI Pool Freediver Course last one day. The PADI Freediver Course and the SSI Freediver Course last two days and you will dive at a depth of 10-16m.

How to learn freediving?

Book a PADI Pool Freediver Course and start your eLearning today. Then you will attend a Pool Freediver Course for one day and you will be certified as a Pool Freediver. If you want to dive in the open water, then take a 2-day PADI Freediver Course.

How do you hold your breath for 20 minutes?

These are freediving records in a special discipline. The athletes breathe pure oxygen before the apnoea.

How old do freedivers get?

Freediving is not harmful to health, so free divers can live to be over a hundred years old.

Is freediving healthy?

Freediving, like all sports, has many positive effects on physical and mental health. There are probably also negative effects associated with elite sport. Since freediving is a young sport, there is a lack of reliable knowledge.

Is 2 minutes holding breath a lot?

Most people can hold their breath for about a minute. With some guidance and training, you can hold your breath for over two minutes after just one day.

Can you hold your breath for three minutes?

Most freedivers can easily hold their breath for 3 minutes or more.

Is it possible to suppress the breathing reflex?

A habituation takes place and as a freediver you learn to face the breath with serenity and calmness.

How do you equalise the pressure during apnea diving?

There are different techniques. The simplest is called the Valsalva maneuver, where you close your nose and push air from the lungs into the nasal cavity.

How can I practice holding my breath?

You will learn exercises in a freediving course such as the PADI Basic Freediver course to hold your breath longer.

How deep does an apnea diver dive?

The current records for free divers are beyond 130m. The 140m mark will probably be reached in 2024.

What is Freediving

Freediving is an underwater sport in which you can enjoy your stay underwater with one breath. Many freedivers enjoy getting away from everyday stress and noise underwater and practise the sport as a form of mediation. There are different disciplines: static, where you float face down in the pool in a state of complete calm and relaxation on the surface of the water. There are also different dynamic disciplines, where you cover as much distance as possible in the pool. Then there are several ways to practice freediving in local lakes or in the ocean, including deep diving on a vertical rope or diving along a coral reef or exploring a river bed.

Is freediving, free diving and apnea diving the same thing?

Yes, the three terms are interchangeable. Internationally, the term 'freediving' has prevailed. The term 'apnoe' (the correct pronunciation is 'a-pnoe' and not 'a-pnoe') comes from the Greek and means 'non-breathing'.

What is the difference between freediving and SCUBA diving?

In SCUBA diving, compressed air is breathed out of a bottle and allows the diver to spend a longer time underwater. SCUBA diving requires a basic training of about 5 days, during which one learns the safe handling of the diving device. Depending on the depth and duration underwater, strict rules for diving have to be observed in order to avoid accidents. Due to the diving equipment, SCUBA divers move slowly underwater and have little mobility: the focus of diving pleasure is to observe the underwater world and its inhabitants. SCUBA scuba diving does not require high physical or mental demands and so there are many SCUBA divers who do their hobby only sporadically, for example on holiday. SCUBA divers require a lot of technical equipment which has to be serviced at regular intervals in a dive shop. In order to be able to dive SCUBA, a compressor or access to a filling station is necessary.

You can learn the basics of freediving in 2 days. To practice the sport you need little material and no fixed infrastructure. Freedivers carry only minimal equipment that allows them to move effortlessly and gently through the water. Most freediving activities focus on experiencing one's own body and one's own limits in the element of water. When there are encounters with water inhabitants, these are often intimate interactions, as fish and marine mammals usually don't feel threatened by freedivers and show mutual interest. As with any sport, freediving requires regular training: be it breathing training at home, static or dynamic diving in the pool or diving in open water. Many freedivers do endurance sports in addition to freediving training, pay attention to a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

What is the difference between snorkelling and free diving?

When snorkeling, you swim on the surface and look at the underwater world beneath you. Looking through the diver's goggles and breathing through the snorkel gives you an insight into the underwater world and awakens in many people the need to be able to dive deeper into it. Although every freediving dive starts at the surface like snorkeling, a freediver breaks through the surface to dive deep and become part of the underwater world for the duration of one breath.

I have a freediving certificate from PADI, CMAS, AIDA, SSI or another training organisation. Can I join PADI at the next level?

For most diving associations there are so-called crossovers which means the certifications are mutually recognised so you don't have to start from the beginning.

What is the difference between a Basic Freediver course and a Freediver course?

In the Basic Freediver course you learn the whole theory as required for the Freediving Level 1 certificate and do the same training in the pool. Later you can complete the open water part in an extra day and then you will be fully certified as a Freediver.

What is the difference between a Freediver, Advanced Freediver and Master Freediver course?

In the Freediver course, you'll learn the knowledge and skills to dive safely and relaxed to a depth of 16 metres. The focus is on breathing techniques – you'll learn how relaxed breathing works and what it feels like to have your lungs full. You will learn the basic techniques to be able to freedive in a relaxed and safe manner. You will also learn how to keep your diving partner safe and how to react in the event of an incident.

In the Advanced Freediver course, you will learn advanced techniques and training methods to reach depths of 24m. Focus on Frenzel Pressure Equalization and you will deepen your knowledge of breathing reflex and Mammalian Diving Response (MDR) to achieve longer dive times.

In the Master Freediver course, you will learn techniques to dive to depths of up to 40m, which means diving well below the residual volume of the lung. The main focus of the course is mouthfill and diving with Functional Residual Volume (FRC).

How should my fitness be for the course?

If you are able to swim 200m at a time, you will have the necessary fitness to learn freediving. For many people who are not very athletic, freediving creates the need to exercise regularly and is a key to a healthy lifestyle.

Can I become a freediver as a smoker?

Yes, if you are a smoker, you can freedive, but we recommend that you stop smoking before diving. Lung capacity training and exercises can help you reduce or quit smoking in the future.

I have a physical or mental impairment, can I still freedive?

Basically, you can learn and practice freediving with mild physical or mental impairments. Contact us and we will discuss how and what is possible to meet your individual needs.

Is Freediving suitable for women?

Freediving is even particularly suitable for women. Many women find the access to freediving via yoga or meditation. The elegant gliding underwater without bulky equipment makes freediving particularly attractive for women.

Do I have to have a medical test before freediving?

Before attending our courses, you will complete a medical questionnaire so that we can assess your suitability for diving. A medical examination is required for pre-existing conditions of the ears, circulation or lungs. If you have recently undergone surgery or a medical procedure, you should seek medical confirmation of your fitness to dive and bring it with you to the course.

I have already tried to dive, but I feel pain in my ear; am I not suitable for freediving?

Water pressure affects the eardrum and you will learn pressure balancing techniques to avoid discomfort and pain. Understanding pressure and the physiology of the body are important building blocks of the SSI Freediving Level 1 course.

As a child I often had middle ear infections or a so-called timpani tube in my ear, can I still freedive?

In the course, you'll learn pressure-balancing techniques to counteract the increasing water pressure acting on your eardrum. If you're holding your nose tight and trying to inflate your nasal wings, you'll want to feel it plop in both ears. If air escapes through your ear or you hear whistling sounds, you should consult a throat/nose/ear doctor before the course and have your diving suitability examined.

I can only hold my breath for about 30 seconds, can I still freedive?

Most inexperienced people can hold their breath for between 30 and 60 seconds. In the SSI Freediving Level 1 course, you will learn relaxation techniques, breathing techniques and the knowledge you need to delay your breath and hold your breath longer. Most students who have never done Freediving before manage to double their breath holding time during the course of the Freediving Basic or Level 1 course. Most students achieve times of between 2 and 3 minutes during the course, which is more than enough for dives of between 8 and 20 meters.

Can I take underwater photos or videos while freediving?

Freediving has limited time for extensive motif searching, but you can venture closer to the animals without equipment or breathing sounds. Fish, turtles or marine mammals often approach the photographer because they are curious about what this "big, clumsy mammal" is up to. During the course, you should concentrate entirely on learning the right diving technique and postpone photography and filming to later dives when you have more experience. Once the training objectives have been achieved, our instructors will be happy to take photos or videos of you underwater if you wish. You can keep these recordings for your memory and share them on social media.

I'm a SCUBA diver, what's the point of taking a freediving course?

With the knowledge and experience gained from the Freediving Course, you will be able to control your breathing and improve your fin-beating technique and posture underwater. As a result, you will likely need less air for future SCUBA dives. You'll probably feel safer SCUBA diving after the course because you know you'll be without air supply for a while and you'll be able to react more calmly to any problems.

What do I need to bring to the diving course?

Swimming trunks or suit/bikini, a towel and toiletries are sufficient. A freediving mask, snorkel, freediving fins, a freediving lead strap and lead weights are included in the course price. You can rent a special freediving suit. We sell neoprensocks and gloves if necessary at a preferential price. Our rental equipment is new or as good as new and you can purchase it after the course to start your freediving training right away. The suit rental will be credited to the purchase price of your suit.

Can I wear my wetsuit from SCUBA diving or surfing for the course?

Depending on the time of year and suit thickness, you can join the course in your existing wetsuit. We use 5mm Opencell Freediving Suits for our courses. These suits are particularly flexible and keep your body warm, but require special techniques to put them on and off. Learning these techniques is part of the course material, for which it is worth renting an Opencell suit.

Will I definitely be certified at the end of the course?

Each diving course has skills and limits set by the respective training organisation, which must be reached in order to obtain a certificate of the appropriate level. We do everything we can to teach you these skills and to guide you to the required distances and depths. Most of the students are able to meet these requirements easily. However, some students may not be able to correct their ears due to an unhealed cold or severe tension. For this reason, it may not be possible to do all the exercises to the required depth. In this case, we will not be able to certify you: you will then be able to refine your skills at a later date for an additional fee in order to reach the certificate level.

How dangerous is freediving?

If freediving is practised properly, the sport is very safe: the most important rule is never to dive alone. As with all water sports, there is a residual risk. Knowledge of the dangers of freediving, safe diving procedures, and the right response in case of incidents are therefore important components of the course.

Do I need to take out diving insurance?

Freediving up to a depth of 40m is usually included in the health, accident and liability insurance. Check with your insurance company. If you regularly train freediving or take part in competitions, a special insurance for divers is recommended.

Is there an age requirement?

The minimum age is 12 for a Basic Freediver course or a Freediver course with the consent of the parents or guardians. For Freedivers under 18 years of age a depth limit of 15m applies.

How deep will I dive in a Freediver course?

Your dive depends on your personal limit: usually not the length of hold is the limiting factor, but pressure compensation, an efficient duck dive, proper fin hitting technique and the ability to relax body and mind. To get a PADI Freediver Certificate, you must reach a depth of 10m at least once. The maximum depth is limited to 16m.

What is the process of a PADI Freediver course?

After registering, you will receive an account on the PADI Learning website/app and be activated for the online course. You will learn the theory at your own pace at home or on the road. In the morning of the first day of the course, your instructor will guide you through the theory, enriched with his or her personal practical experience. You will do your first breathing exercises in the theory room and test your knowledge around midday in a quiz with 25 multiple-choice questions. In the afternoon you will learn the procedures in the pool in the static and practice the skills of dynamic diving.

On the second day, you will practice the procedures on the rope and the buoy first in the dry and then do the first dives in the open water. As you practice, diving will become easier and easier and you will do drills at depths between 8 and 10m. After a light lunch, you will complete your skills and improve your techniques on a second dive in the afternoon. You may reach the maximum depth allowed for the course of 20 metres already in the afternoon.

Can I first complete the open water part and then the theory/pool part?

This is not possible, as the individual lessons build on each other. However, you can do the theory/pool part on one day and do the open water part at a later time in one of the following courses.

I have a cold, can I still attend the course?

In order to enjoy the course and make the most of it, you should be completely healthy. If you feel fit, you can complete the theory/pool part after a cold has subsided. For the free water part, your cold must be completely healed before at least 2 weeks, otherwise you will probably not be able to equalise the pressure. After coughing, you should wait at least 2 weeks before you can attend the course. If you de-register less than one week before the start of the course, the full course fee will also be charged in case of illness. Please contact us so that we can reserve a place for you in one of our next courses.

Does the course take place in all weather conditions?

The courses are conducted in all weather conditions. If safety is not guaranteed due to high waves or thunderstorms, the instructor will abandon the course and we will offer you alternate dates.

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